30/9/2022 0 Comments Musings - All Genre writing groupG’day everyone, Thought I’d start doing some regular updates to my blog websites. I’ll be using this news section for a number of things like the book reviews, updates to my WIP and anything else that comes to me. This post is mainly about some feedback I got from a recent All Genre writing group that I received. Now this feedback was amazing really but I felt conflicted about receiving it. It was around an exercise we did which I found really helpful in regards to character development, below is what I put together for it. Firstly we were asked to write as bland a description of our character as we possibly could, so mine was below
Step 2 was then to expand on 3 of the points that we had into a sentence
Feedback was good from the group and it seemed like the burn scar generated a bit of discussion so the next step was explained to choose one of our points and write a paragraph about it I knew which one I wanted to explore. My final paragraph below is what received the most positive feedback from the facilitator and group. They engaged with my writing and a number of attendees offered their own spin on who this character may have been. He flexed his fingers and felt the burn scar go taut as his muscles moved underneath. Dawson absent mindedly rubbed at the hardened skin, it had been years since he’d scratched at the traumas of his past. Always a reminder of the mistakes he made as a younger man. Not only were his scars a physical reminder, they were also a sign to those around him of his indiscretions. He pulled his sleeve back down over his forearm and donned his glove. Despite the humid weather he had no intention of bringing any further attention to himself. I think that Barbara (facilitator) used the words sophisticated to describe my paragraph which blew me away. But! It also had another effect on me, an equal and opposite reaction you could say. Through my current WIP I feel everything else except sophisticated. I lean into the author’ish’ tag because even saying I’m a writer feels like I’m an imposter in a world I have no business being part of. But I enjoy writing and want to continue so I’m taking the positive feedback for what it is. Next meeting I may share some of my WIP to see if my little paragraph above was a one off fluke. Mark
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