G’day! Thanks for visiting.
For the longest time I’ve enjoyed writing as a hobby but I’m hoping to change that in 2023 and become a published author.
Being a hobbyist writer I couldn’t bring myself to use the title author so I’m going with author’ish’. Imposter syndrome would be too overwhelming if I only left it as author.
I enjoy reading and writing science fiction/fantasy. Although in saying that, I’ve tried to expand my reading to include books that could strengthen my own story writing and what I’m trying to achieve (Romance, modern day action).
I’m going to post about what books I’m reading in the News page of my website so keep an eye out there along with other updates to my works in progress.
Feel free to send me any recommendations through my Contact page for books to check out or if you’re reading any of my Unpublished short stories, please feel free to leave any feedback you have on improving my writing.
I’m really enjoying learning all the different aspects of writing a compelling story that’s enjoyed by a wide variety of people. Will my debut story be for everyone, absolutely not but it’ll be a fun adventure for those that want to give it a read.
Thanks Mark
For the longest time I’ve enjoyed writing as a hobby but I’m hoping to change that in 2023 and become a published author.
Being a hobbyist writer I couldn’t bring myself to use the title author so I’m going with author’ish’. Imposter syndrome would be too overwhelming if I only left it as author.
I enjoy reading and writing science fiction/fantasy. Although in saying that, I’ve tried to expand my reading to include books that could strengthen my own story writing and what I’m trying to achieve (Romance, modern day action).
I’m going to post about what books I’m reading in the News page of my website so keep an eye out there along with other updates to my works in progress.
Feel free to send me any recommendations through my Contact page for books to check out or if you’re reading any of my Unpublished short stories, please feel free to leave any feedback you have on improving my writing.
I’m really enjoying learning all the different aspects of writing a compelling story that’s enjoyed by a wide variety of people. Will my debut story be for everyone, absolutely not but it’ll be a fun adventure for those that want to give it a read.
Thanks Mark
Writing Associations
Great local resource in Townsville with a writing group for anyone, Spec Fiction, Popular Fiction, All Genre, Kids Lit.
A bit wider focus and worth checking out. Plenty of hybrid delivered workshops and annual competitions.
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© Mark Dray 2022
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