24/8/2022 0 Comments Writing Prompt - Satan in HeavenCertified Score: 8.9/10 “Umm, next please.” Called St. Peter from his lectern.
Satan walked forward coyly. Shoulders slumped forward and head bowed. “Ah, yes hello. I think there’s been a mistake.” Satan said. St. Peter looked up and studied the embarrassed figure before him. “Sorry sir but we don’t make mistakes here in Heaven.” St. Peter scoffed.
Certified Score: 8.1/10 The battle had raged for the better part of the afternoon. Now in the failing light Jeff and his unit of warriors known as the Blood Command 6 were ready to mount one more offensive.
They had not been able to make any progress and the enemy had the enviable position of the high ground. Every attack was easily repelled by the enemy. Jeff dusted the lose dirt from his hand, the last offensive was particularly brutal as their foe grew in confidence with each of their failed attempts, laughing at their misfortunes and goading them mercilessly. Certified Score: 7.8/10 Here he was again.
Steve flicked the Keno ticket absently in his hand as he watched the numbers bubble up on the screen in the main bar of the pub. 10 games, $1 per game and his last $10 on this ticket. Bob moved over to him from behind the bar. “Another?” He asked, pointing at Steve’s empty glass. Steve nodded, eyes still fixed on the screen. |
Writing PromptsUsing writing prompts was a great suggestion that was discussed at one of the writing groups I attended. Typically at the start of any of the meetings, everyone is given a word or phrase and they spell the next 10-15 minutes writing whatever comes to mind.
I find this exercise is awesome at firing the brain up and starting to think creatively. But I didn’t want to do all the work myself so who better then my 12 year old to provide me with the writing prompts and I attempt to write something from it. Typically I try and write a short story of about 1000-1500 words which I then share with said 12 year old for feedback and a rating, this rating is captured on each story as the Certified Score. Shh.. It’s also a sneaky way to get him reading a bit more as well. I post my writing prompts to Medium so I can get some more eyeballs on them and get feedback on anything I can improve on. Archives
June 2023
CategoriesAll Unpublished Writing Prompt © Mark Dray 2022
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